Getting aligned with my Crown Chakra

Cynthia Dixon
4 min readJan 6, 2021

Dec. 31st of 2020 I had a vision board party with my sons and two of my Langston University Alumnus sister- friends (My HBCU family). My spirit asked for it. I felt the need of focus, the guidance of intention, and the courage to ask for the desires of my heart and my soon to be 13yr old and 6 year old reminded me that we hadn’t made one this year, so I invited others to join us.

What I know for sure is that I have a obligation to myself and the people that I serve ( My family, husband, kids, and clients). My completed vision board ended up being about putting myself first, personally and professionally.

As a Reiki Master Teacher there are principles that I must uphold daily; “ do not worry, do not anger, be humble, be honest, and have compassion for myself and for others. “ I am also a firm believer in the teaching of The Four Agreements, by don Miguel Ruiz. I can be honest and say because I wasn’t “scheduling me” in my life by working out, taking my vitamins, eating right, meditating, sleeping (yes, sleeping)- I struggled on some days to be present. I tried but not always 100%. The way I journey through my life is a direct reflection of how I want my 3 boys to show up in the world.

The vision board party was right on time. I have a new regiment. My new year started with a guided meditation in the morning after getting my kids set up for virtual learning followed by a morning work out. Yes, I scheduled me daily. Real schedule blocks on my calendar. You should try it. Your soul’s happiness depends on it.

My kids are watching but I know God is paying attention to my every move. I am just a soul occupying a borrowed temple. I felt connected, my energy shifted and my crown chakra lit up. ( “The crown or the seventh chakra is located at the top of the head. It lifts and inspires you, connecting you to the divine. You might call this angelic energy, the Source, or God. This chakra also gives you a sense of your own divinity, the awareness that you are a soul in a human body ”) I felt aligned with my crown chakra for the first time in a long time. My middle son walked into my office and asked what I was doing, so I shared. When he had a break in his schedule he worked out and asked if I could play my guided meditation for him and because my treadmill has speakers, I did. I am not here for me but merely a guide for his journey. I was in the moment.

He wanted to meditate and workout because he watched me practice self care for myself.

As a CEO mom of boys, with the support/service I provide with CYNASSISTS, if I am not practicing self care or making me a priority, you will know.

I am mindful of the work-life balance in the lives of my clients so it’s only right that I add myself back to my priority list.

2021 will be my best year yet. I am focused, intentional, and planting seeds a long the way. To make my smile even wider, I received a “ just because” call from one of my fellows thanking for my guidance in their journey. Talk about bringing someone flowers and needing tissue. What a compliment. I know what honoring/loving me looks like and because I do, I will attract people and create experiences that are for my highest good. We are responsible for making ourselves a priority in our own lives.

I hope despite the pandemic that 2021 will be filled with abundance. Remind yourself to stay connected to your source, envision your success and soar, but don’t get too busy where you’ve removed YOU from your priority list. More importantly, don’t take anything personally nor make any agreements that are not in alignment with your purpose. It’s not Friday, but I can say, “Today was a good day”.



Cynthia Dixon

Cynthia is a mom of 3 boys, an author, and the CEO & Founder of CYNASSISTS.